The Kim Nhung Show: Phỏng vấn Blogger Huỳnh Thục Vy

Interview avec la jeune blogueuse Huynh Thuc Vy sur la situation du Viêt Nam actuel. L’entretien aborde la question de l’héritage de la guerre sur les esprits, le fond culturel à la fois paysan et confucéen, la nature du régime communiste vietnamien et le contrôle culturel exercé sur le pays par le PCV… Elle évoque la nécessaire évolution des mentalités de la population et le rôle des intellectuels pour faire avancer la lutte pour un Viêt Nam démocratique respectueux des droits de l’homme. Cette interview est suivie d’un message en anglais de la jeune blogueuse pour alerter l’opinion publique sur les violences policières exercées contre les dissidents vietnamiens. Elle s’exprime en tant que représentante de l’Association des femmes vietnamiennes pour les droits de l’homme.

Chương trình THE KIM NHUNG SHOW kỳ này có dịp trò chuyện cùng Blogger Huỳnh Thục Vy tại Việt Nam qua đường dây điện thoại để tìm hiểu về căn nguyên của vấn đề cũng như những bế tắc về tình hình đất nước. Thế hệ con ông cháu cha trong nước sẽ có những đóng góp gì trong công cuộc thay đổi đất nước hiện nay khi họ đang dần dần thay thế vào các vị trí lãnh đạo? Mời quý vị cùng theo dõi.

Source : Viet Thuc

Stop Torture and Violence in Vietnam

I am Huynh Thuc Vy, a dissident blogger, a human rights defender in Vietnam. While I am sharing these words with you, torture and violence against civilians, especially dissidents still continue and get more serious.

The universal principles: Freedom, Democracy and Human rights are “luxurious things to our people. Farmers are displaced from their land. Workers are exploited in factories. Protesters are brutally beaten due to their gathering to express peaceful patriotism.

We really want to enjoy Democracy. We really want to get Freedom. We really want to have Human Rights. These values are protected and promoted in your countries, but in our country, we have to pay a high price for them.

We might be imprisoned because of exercising the rights to freedom of religion, expression, peaceful assembly, and association.

How will the future of our country be with violence encouraged by the authorities? How will our children grow up when they usually see their parents beaten. We fail to enjoy peaceful lives and fail to contribute to building our country because law enforcement agencies do not hesitate to brazenly violate human rights.

We want to tell the world that we just really want to exercise our fundamental rights.

What would you to help us? Share this video and take actions to tell the Vietnamese authorities to:

Return land to poor petitioners!
Return the right to freedom of trade union to labors.
Return the right to freedom of expression to our people!
Return pagodas and churches to congregations!
Free all prisoners of conscience!

With this video, I may ask you to help us:
Stop violence! Stop torture in Vietnam!

Source : YouTube, vidéo postée le 28 novembre 2014.

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