Women at War – Elspeth Cameron Ritchie and Anne L. Naclerio eds. [parution]

[ndlr] Parution d’un ouvrage sur les femmes et leur expérience de la guerre. Présentation de l’éditeur.

  • This is the first full length volume on female service members in combat.
  • Expands the discussion way past sexual assault to all medical aspects of women in deployment.

In the very first text of its kind, Women at War brings together all available information and experience on women’s physical and mental health in one resource to enlighten the practitioners caring for them. Our U.S Department of Defense is approximately 15% women with over 300,000 women having deployed since September 11th, 2001. This book reviews the epidemiology, changes in policy and demographics of women in the services, the factors affecting their health and health care while serving in austere environments, issues related to reproductive and urogenital health and how health care providers can help prepare and prevent illness. The book also looks at mental health issues to include PTSD and other psychological effects of war, intimate partner violence, sexual assault and suicide, as well as the veteran experience. The book brings together researchers, clinicians, and service member experience and presents the information in a practical, actionable format. It also highlights areas where data is lacking and more study is demanded.

Source : Oxford University Press

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guerillera (23 juin 2015). Women at War – Elspeth Cameron Ritchie and Anne L. Naclerio eds. [parution]. Guérillera. Consulté le 20 septembre 2024 à l’adresse https://doi.org/10.58079/pd3k