Cette page compile une série de liens à parcourir sur les thématiques de la guerre, du genre et du développement.
Australian Women in War lists Australian women and women’s organisations who participated and assisted in the Boer War, World Wars and subsequent conflicts, with links to biographical, bibliographical and archival information about a small selection of them.
Site du Comité de gestion du site historique de Truong Bon. Dédié aux Jeunesses de choc de la province de Nghe An, ce lieu de mémoire a été fondé en souvenir du sacrifice de 13 membres des TNXP le 31 octobre 1968.
Revue française semestrielle (anciennement Clio. Histoire, Femmes et Sociétés), ouvre ses colonnes à celles et ceux qui mènent des recherches en histoire des femmes et du genre (toutes sociétés et toutes périodes). Organisée autour d’un thème (études de cas, actualité de la recherche, documents, témoignages et interviews, Clio a lu, Clio a reçu), elle est attentive à la dimension pluridisciplinaire et publie également des articles de Varia. Clio FGH dispose désormais d’une version numérique en anglais.
Le site officiel de l’association des anciens membres (ou vétérans) des Jeunesses de choc. Ouvert depuis août 2013.
Cette équipe a une double ambition : fédérer un nombre croissant d’historien-ne-s en France et à l’étranger sur le thème des identités sociales et du genre ; favoriser la prise en compte dans le LARHRA de la dimension sexuée de tous les phénomènes historiques. En effet, le fil rouge du genre, c’est-à-dire de la construction sociale des identités masculines et féminines, permet de revisiter l’histoire des identités, des groupes sociaux et socio-professionnels, dans la ligne de questionnements déjà anciens, comme ceux mis en valeur dans L’Histoire des femmes en Occident ou par Ute Frevert qui a réévalué le niveau d’instruction et de richesse de la bourgeoisie allemande du XIXe siècle à l’aune de l’exclusion des filles de l’enseignement et des femmes de la gestion de leur patrimoine.
Chosen from among the thousands of collections of women’s experiences in the Veterans History Project, this modest selection spans four wars. While many of the collections are nurses’ tales, there is also the story of a code breaker (Ann Caracristi), a welder (Meda Brendall), and a flight surgeon (Rhonda Cornum), plus two women who rose through the ranks to secure places in the military history books. Jeanne Holm served her country for 33 years, in 1971 becoming the first woman general in the Air Force. And in December 1990, Darlene Iskra became the first woman to command a U.S. Navy ship.
La Fédération RING a pour objectif la coordination des pôles d’enseignement et des équipes de recherche. Elle accueille aussi des enseignant.e.s et les chercheuses ou chercheurs isolé.e.s. Elle assure la diffusion des études sur le genre au niveau non seulement national, mais européen et international, par la constitution de réseaux.
Gender and development is a very broad research area that covers a wide range of research topics. Gender and development research can focus on social relationships between men and women during different times in history and places in a narrow context of a family or a community, or a wider context of one region or one nation. Gender and Development is a very diverse and multi-disciplined research area. […] The Gender and Society Research Center (GAS) at Hoa Sen University was established with an ambition to join this ongoing trend of gender research. Its first target is to inspire Hoa Sen University students and lecturers who may be interested in the objectives of this group, that also aims to join the international research network in cross-border research projects to work with researchers from different countries in an exchange of knowledge and experience.
Créé en 2003, le Réseau Genre en Action promeut la prise en compte des inégalités des femmes et des hommes dans les politiques et programmes de développement. Il compte plus de 2.800 membres (organisations et individus) dans plus de 50 pays, principalement francophones. Il se distingue par la qualité et la diversité de ses interventions et sa capacité à agglomérer des actrices et acteurs du développement, du Sud et du Nord.
Il a pour but de mettre en réseau de jeunes chercheur-se-s ayant ces centres d’intérêt en commun. Il permet d’échanger des informations utiles : savoirs acquis dans les archives ou sur le terrain, parution d’ouvrages, colloques, appels à communication et à publication… Il a pour but de développer une démarche collective d’entraide et d’échange, dans un contexte universitaire qui favorise souvent l’isolement et la compétition. Sa liste de discussion regroupe des masterant-e-s, doctorant-e-s et post-doctorant-e-s dont le thème de recherche est lié au genre et à la guerre. Le genre doit être un axe central de la recherche des membres de la liste. Ce terme est pris ici dans une acception large, un savoir critique sur les rapports de pouvoir entre hommes et femmes. Il inclut donc les études sur les femmes, mais aussi les masculinités, les rapports sociaux de sexe, les sexualités… De même, par la guerre, il faut comprendre aussi bien les conflits mondiaux que les guerres coloniales, les guerres civiles ou encore l’anthropologie guerrière…
- Genre et Guerre sur Hypotheses.org [fait suite au précédent]
Carnet de veille scientifique et d’actualités de la recherche autour des problématiques du genre et de la guerre. Diffusion d’informations utiles : savoirs acquis dans les archives ou sur le terrain, parution d’ouvrages, colloques, appels à communication et à publications… Dans le but de développer une démarche collective d’entraide et d’échange, dans un contexte universitaire qui favorise souvent l’isolement et la compétition.
Genre, sexualité & société est une revue francophone à comité de lecture, consacrée à la sexualité et aux questions de genre. Créée en 2009 par un groupe de jeunes chercheur-e-s en sciences humaines et sociales, la revue Genre, sexualité & société se revendique comme un espace de dialogues et d’échanges, ouverte à différentes approches disciplinaires.
(ex-Observatoire international de l’usage du viol comme tactique de guerre) est une plateforme rassemblant plusieurs organisations, dans un but général de sensibilisation des mentalités et d’intensification de la lutte contre les violences sexuelles dans les conflits. L’activité de l’Observatoire peut déboucher sur des actions de plaidoyer ou sur des interventions sur le terrain, suivant la vocation propre de chaque organisation. Son outil permanent est le présent site, entretenu par le pôle Plaidoyer international du Secours catholique-Caritas France, qui s’efforce de maintenir une veille événementielle et documentaire sur le phénomène, à l’intention des chercheurs, des membres des ONG et de toute personne spécialement intéressée, quels que soient sa profession ou son pays de résidence.
Peace X Peace is the international organization that lifts and multiplies women’s voices, strengthens women’s capacity to connect across divides, promotes leadership and gender equity, and nurtures a global network of peacebuilders in 120 countries.
- Thanh niên xung phong (Tag)
Tag “Thanh Niên Xung Phong” sur le portail Bao Moi.
The Vietnam Center and Archive collects and preserves the documentary record of the Vietnam War, and supports and encourages research and education regarding all aspects of the American Vietnam Experience.
- TNXP (Blog sur WordPress)
Ouvert en novembre 2013 par Nguyen Le Nhung, ce blog compile des articles de la presse vietnamienne sur l’histoire et l’actualité des Jeunesses de choc du Viêt-Nam.
Publication pluridisciplinaire et internationale qui se donne pour objet l’étude de la différence des sexes dans le monde du travail et aussi, plus largement, de la place des femmes dans la société. Le genre n’est pas un domaine spécialisé, c’est une grille de lecture du monde social.
The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs knows exactly how many men served in Vietnam (2,594,200) and how many were killed in action (58,188). It can furnish all kinds of stats about those soldiers, like the percentage of men who worked in supply (between 60 and 70 percent) as opposed to combat (30 to 40 percent). But ask about the women who served in Vietnam — women other than nurses — and the numbers disappear. The records are muddled, they say; the files don’t work that way. Yes, the armed forces sent women to Vietnam, but an official record of their presence there doesn’t really exist.
In support of justice for Vietnamese Agent Orange victims, a national coalition of veterans, Vietnamese-Americans and other community leaders announces the formation of the Vietnam Agent Orange Relief and Responsibility Campaign on February 28, 2005. The U.S. government used Agent Orange, from 1962 to 1971, as part of their war in Vietnam. Agent Orange contains dioxin, one of the deadliest substances known, and continues to cause death and sickness to millions of Vietnamese and to many U.S. veterans of the Vietnam war. Now even more than thirty years after the war, Agent Orange remains in the land and water of Vietnam, causing horrific birth defects to several generation of children.
This site is dedicated to all the female enlisted, and staff and line officers who served in Vietnam. They heeded the call, and served their country with pride and honor. Welcome home. The Vietnam Women Veterans includes more than 1,000 women. Please visit our Sister Search page. If you see your name or know someone who is listed, contact the VWV. If you are a military female who served in Vietnam and were not a nurse, and your name does not appear on the list, please contact us.
Resources and links on Women’s contribution to the war and The home front.
Information resources for women’s studies in the following three areas: Women’s contribution to war ; Women as victims of war ; Women against war. Women are concerned, affected and involved in war and peace activities throughout the history and in all aspects of life.
Face à la guerre, face à la violence, face à la misère, face à la discrimination, face à l’ignorance ou à la maladie. Women and War vous propose de découvrir chaque mois le combat difficile de femmes engagées à travers le monde.
Women during WWII. The Spartacus Educational website provides a series of free history encyclopaedias. Entries usually include a narrative, illustrations and primary sources. The text within each entry is linked to other relevant pages in the encyclopaedia. In this way it is possible to research individual people and events in great detail. The sources are also hyper-linked so the student is able to find out about the writer, artist, newspaper and organization that produced the material.
The role of women at work during WWII. World War II brought a lot of suffering and hardship to thousands of people. Families were broken up as men were sent to the front lines to fight, some never to return. Children were sent out of the cities to stay with strangers, away from the bombing. The peaceful routine of everyday life was shattered. But out of the terrors and hardship of war, a new role for women began to emerge which was to change their position in society forever.
Site dédié au contingent de conductrices de camions sur la Piste Ho Chi Minh créé en 1968 pendant la guerre du Viêt-Nam. Đại đội nữ lái xe Trường Sơn trong thời kỳ chống Mỹ mang tên nữ anh hùng quân giải phóng miền nam Nguyễn Thị Hạnh. Được thành lập vào tháng 12.1968 trong chiến trường Quảng Trị, với 40 cô gái ở các đơn vị được tuyển chọn vào đại đội và 45 ngày đêm học lái, sửa chữa xe tải quân sự như zin 3 cầu, Gác 61, Gác63… Các cô đã hoàn thành xuất sắc nhiệm vụ trong lịch sử chiến tranh Việt Nam.
Women in War, a non-profit organization and think-tank focusing on the role of gender in armed conflict
This independent association, registered according to the French law on charities of 1901, was founded and registered in Paris in February 2008 by international feminist academics, united by their fight against the injustices of war and conflict. Based in Paris, it has a branch in Sarajevo.
It is the offshoot of a humanitarian association FemAid which has been working in war zones since 2000, especially in Afghanistan, Pakistan and DR.Congo, on health and education projects.
In 2015 we became think-tank, setting up a network of feminist scholars working on issues related to Conflict and Gender. Our specialists work in all parts of the globe.
We view academic research not as an end in itself but as a means to change the conventional thinking of gender roles during wars and conflict, through study of past and present, learning from grass-roots experiences and organizations in order to further progressive change towards women’s rights, especially for post-war reconstruction. Conflict, as intersecting with gender, is understood here in the widest sense: the battle field, the war zone during and after any conflict, protracted war through sanctions, ongoing territorial, political, ethnic tensions, ill-conceived peace treaties, failed tribunals, belligerent propaganda through the media and education in increasingly militarized societies worldwide. Not forgetting long term victims: those who have been permanently wounded, those who have been raped, bereaved, widows, widowers, orphans, parents who have lost children, carers and transgenerational trauma. To this needs to be added environmental damage as a direct consequence of war and increasing poverty caused by an economy based on profit for investors and not on growth which particularly affect women and the future of children.
So far all these fields have been subjects of independent study, including by notable feminist scholars and activists. Here, for the first time, we bring them together, encouraging the new generation to work particularly on the subject of Gender and Armed Conflict, as a field in its own right.
Established in 1972 to address the under representation and misrepresentation of women in the media industry, Women Make Movies is a multicultural, multiracial, non-profit media arts organization which facilitates the production, promotion, distribution and exhibition of independent films and videotapes by and about women. The organization provides services to both users and makers of film and video programs, with a special emphasis on supporting work by women of color. Women Make Movies facilitates the development of feminist media through an internationally recognized Distribution Service and a Production Assistance Program.
Books selection.
During the twentieth century, women of the world became indispensable in the war efforts. In many countries the need for female participation in the First World War was seen as almost necessary, as unprecedented numbers of men were wounded and killed. In the Second World War, the need for women arose again. Whether it was on the home front or the front-lines, for civilian or enlisted women, the World Wars started a new era for women’s opportunities to contribute in war and be recognized for efforts outside of the home.