Archives par mot-clé : liberté d’expression

Atelier : La liberté d’expression en RSVN – IAO, samedi 21 septembre 2019

Atelier de réflexion organisé à l’Institut d’Asie Orientale par l’IAO et l’ACVR. Inscription obligatoire :

A l’occasion de la récente nomination par Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF) pour le « prix de l’impact 2019 » de Phạm Đoan Trang, écrivaine et journaliste blogueuse vietnamienne, cet atelier de réflexion se propose de faire un point sur l’état de la liberté de la presse et l’édition au Viêt-Nam. La nominée dont les ouvrages ont été saisis et sont interdits par les autorités communistes sera représentée par l’avocat Trịnh Hữu Long, rédacteur en chef de la revue en ligne Luật Khoa tạp chí [Revue des Lois]. L’exposé sera suivi d’une discussion.

  • Introduction de Ngoc Anh Rolland (ACVR) et François Guillemot (IAO) : « Le cas Phạm Đoan Trang »
  • Trịnh Hữu Long : « Censure de la presse, de l’édition et de l’information au Viêt-Nam »
  • Présentation des ouvrages de Phạm Đoan Trang

Source : IAO

New documentary series highlights the struggles of women activists in Vietnam

Signalement d’une série de documentaires sur le combat des femmes vietnamiennes.

A new series of video interviews highlights the perspectives and struggles of women involved in human rights activism in Vietnam.

The 88 Project, an organisation supporting freedom of expression in Vietnam, released the first video of an ongoing interview series with female activists in Vietnam. In the first interview with Pham Doan Trang, a dissident journalist and political activist, she discusses the challenges women face as bloggers and human rights activists:

In general, Vietnamese women are not respected. Not only in democracy activism but in all fields. In democracy activism, female activists are disadvantaged because they get attacked no less than male activists. They get beaten and assaulted. The work they do is no less than their male counterparts. But what they often get from other people is pity. I think it is not respect.

She also recounts an incident of police brutality which led to permanent injury to both of her legs.

Lire la suite : Global Voices

Nasrin Sotoudeh, une vie de combats [France Culture]

Portrait d’une avocate iranienne incarcérée pour son engagement en faveur des femmes.

L’avocate iranienne militante des droits humains a été condamnée en début de semaine à 10 ans de prison et 148 coups de fouet pour “incitation à la débauche”. À 55 ans, récompensée par plusieurs prix et soutenue dans le monde entier, Nasrin Sotoudeh continue de se battre pour la démocratie en Iran.

Lire la suite : France Culture, 17/03/2019.

Autres articles :

International Press Freedom Awards: Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, Vietnam

Après avoir été libérée avant terme et expulsée du Viêt-Nam vers les Etats-Unis la blogueuse et activiste Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, connue sous le pseudonyme de “Mère Champignon” a bénéficié du soutien du Comité de Protection des Journalistes, ONG installée à New York. Elle a reçu le 20 novembre 2018, en compagnie de journalistes du Venezuela, du Soudan et de l’Ukraine, le prix de la Liberté de la presse 2018. Vidéo et texte ci-après de son allocution lors de la remise de ce prix.

The text of Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh’s acceptance speech, as prepared for delivery, is below.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Committee to Protect Journalists for selecting me as one of the recipients of the 2018 International Press Freedom Awards.

Freedom! One cannot find a more fitting symbol of freedom than the Statue of Liberty right here in this great city of New York; where I have found myself in these immortal words that were cast more than a century ago: Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

I am so grateful to CPJ for helping to secure my freedom. I am also profoundly thankful to the U.S. government and this country for accepting my family into her open and compassionate arms. But even now, as I am breathing the air of freedom, I must confess that I have yet to find complete happiness. Because seeking personal freedom in another land away from Vietnam was never my goal. My dream and my struggle have always been to one day be one of 90 million free citizens of Vietnam–living lives with basic freedoms, with human rights respected and protected, fully free to engage in the process of self-determination.

My personal freedom today was secured by the tireless efforts and contributions of many friends and supporters. This newly gained freedom would only be meaningful if I use it as a voice for the oppressed back in Vietnam. So my journey for a free Vietnam shall continue, regardless of where I live.

I would also take this opportunity to ask all of you to shine the light of justice on another brave Vietnamese mother with 2 children of her own–fellow blogger Trần Thị Nga. She was sentenced to nine years imprisonment for her fight for freedom, democracy and human rights in Vietnam. Please support us in our endeavor to free this courageous woman. Thank you again, so much, for your recognition and support for bestowing this award upon me. Thank you everyone.

Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh

Source : CPJ

Viet Nam: Arrested blogger Huynh Thuc Vy must be immediately released

Nouvelle arrestation de la blogueuse et activiste Huynh Thu Vy. Amnesty International demande sa libération immédiate.

Remise en liberté le lendemain, elle reste assignée à résidence et poursuivie au titre de l’article 276 du code pénal pour “insulte au drapeau national”. Le 1er septembre 2017, elle avait enduit de peinture blanche le drapeau national pour protester contre ce symbole d’oppression du peuple vietnamien.

Responding to the arrest of prominent Vietnamese human rights activist and blogger, Huynh Thuc Vy, by police in Buon Ho town, Dak Lak province this morning, Clare Algar, Amnesty International’s Director of Global Operations, said:

“This arrest is nothing more than a politically-motivated attempt to silence one of the most powerful voices for human rights in Viet Nam.

“Through her activism and blogging in support of the rights of women, minorities and human rights in general, Huynh Thuc Vy has worked tirelessly to expose violations and hold the powerful to account. For this, she and her family have been subjected to relentless surveillance, intimidation and harassment by the country’s authorities.

“We urge the authorities of Dak Lak province to immediately and unconditionally release Huynh Thuc Vy and call on Viet Nam’s government to end its systematic suppression of peaceful activism.”


Huynh Thuc Vy is the founder of the organization Vietnamese Women for Human Rights, whose work is to promote the values of human rights and support women human rights defenders in Viet Nam. She regularly blogs about human rights abuses, including the persecution of ethnic minorities in the country.

She was arrested at around 7 am this morning, when more than 30 police officers turned up to her house without an arrest warrant. Police returned to her house several hours later and took several items including a laptop, phones, books, clothes and a camera. Currently, Huynh Thuc Vy’s whereabouts are unknown.

Over the past year, the crackdown on dissent in Viet Nam has intensified, with many activists being arrested, tried unfairly and sentenced to years in prison, leading scores of others flee the country.

Source : Amnesty International

Ouvrage de Huynh Thuc Vy sur la situation des droits de l’homme en RSVN


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