Archives par mot-clé : prix

Pham Doan Trang : Prix de l’Impact – RSF 2019

L’écrivaine Pham Doan Trang a reçu le 12 septembre 2019 à Berlin le Prix de l’Impact de Reporters sans frontières. Extrait et message vidéographique.

Ce 12 septembre, Reporters sans frontières (RSF) a remis le Prix pour la liberté de la presse 2019 à la journaliste saoudienne Eman al Nafjan, à la vietnamienne Pham Doan Trang ainsi qu’à la journaliste maltaise Caroline Muscat, lors d’une cérémonie organisée pour la première fois à Berlin.

Le Prix de l’Impact, qui récompense un journaliste dont le travail a permis une amélioration concrète de la liberté, l’indépendance et le pluralisme du journalisme ou une prise de conscience sur ce sujet, a été remis à Pham Doan Trang. Journaliste et blogueuse, elle a notamment fondé le magazine juridique en ligne Luât Khoa, et anime la rédaction de thevietnamese – deux publications qui permettent à leurs lecteurs de s’emparer des lois du pays pour défendre leur droit et combattre l’arbitraire du Parti. Elle est aussi l’auteur de nombreux ouvrages, dont l’un a contribué à faire progresser les droits des communautés LGBT du pays. Son travail lui a valu d’être à deux reprises battue et maintenue par la police plusieurs jours en détention arbitraire au cours de l’année 2018.

Source : Reporters sans frontières

International Press Freedom Awards: Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, Vietnam

Après avoir été libérée avant terme et expulsée du Viêt-Nam vers les Etats-Unis la blogueuse et activiste Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh, connue sous le pseudonyme de “Mère Champignon” a bénéficié du soutien du Comité de Protection des Journalistes, ONG installée à New York. Elle a reçu le 20 novembre 2018, en compagnie de journalistes du Venezuela, du Soudan et de l’Ukraine, le prix de la Liberté de la presse 2018. Vidéo et texte ci-après de son allocution lors de la remise de ce prix.

The text of Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh’s acceptance speech, as prepared for delivery, is below.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the Committee to Protect Journalists for selecting me as one of the recipients of the 2018 International Press Freedom Awards.

Freedom! One cannot find a more fitting symbol of freedom than the Statue of Liberty right here in this great city of New York; where I have found myself in these immortal words that were cast more than a century ago: Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.

I am so grateful to CPJ for helping to secure my freedom. I am also profoundly thankful to the U.S. government and this country for accepting my family into her open and compassionate arms. But even now, as I am breathing the air of freedom, I must confess that I have yet to find complete happiness. Because seeking personal freedom in another land away from Vietnam was never my goal. My dream and my struggle have always been to one day be one of 90 million free citizens of Vietnam–living lives with basic freedoms, with human rights respected and protected, fully free to engage in the process of self-determination.

My personal freedom today was secured by the tireless efforts and contributions of many friends and supporters. This newly gained freedom would only be meaningful if I use it as a voice for the oppressed back in Vietnam. So my journey for a free Vietnam shall continue, regardless of where I live.

I would also take this opportunity to ask all of you to shine the light of justice on another brave Vietnamese mother with 2 children of her own–fellow blogger Trần Thị Nga. She was sentenced to nine years imprisonment for her fight for freedom, democracy and human rights in Vietnam. Please support us in our endeavor to free this courageous woman. Thank you again, so much, for your recognition and support for bestowing this award upon me. Thank you everyone.

Nguyen Ngoc Nhu Quynh

Source : CPJ

Former Vietnamese refugee wins prestigious award for fighting human trafficking

A lire sur le site VnExpress. Prix du Global Citizen of the Year 2018 accordé à Mme Diep Vuong pour son combat contre le trafic humain.

Diep Vuong, a former refugee who returned to Vietnam to fight human trafficking, is Global Citizen of the Year.

“Every time there was an opportunity for us to find a way to escape, we tried to take advantage of it. The third time we tried, however, the owners hacked off one girl’s head and made us stay in the room with the bloody corpse all night. After that incident, no one dared to try to escape anymore…

“Every time we tried to escape, we got caught and were beaten, had cigarettes burned onto our skin, and were tattooed with the owner’s code on our hands.

“I was a prostitute for almost a year before the Chinese police raided and dismantled the establishment, rescued us from prostitution, and repatriated us back home.”


“Human trafficking is the major issue of our time, representing the ugly side of globalization,” said Vuong.

“Human trafficking has become a global epidemic, yet the people who abhor it and want it to end far outnumber those perpetuating it. Let us find each other and work together to turn the tide.”

Read more / lire la suite : VnExpress

Photographie “à la une” : Diep Vuong, the latest winner of the Global Citizen Award instituted by Henley & Partners. © Pacific Links Foundation

Nguyễn Ngọc Tư: ‘Giá trị của nhà văn không phải ở giải thưởng’ [VnExpress]

A l’occasion de la réception d’un prix littéraire en Allemagne, entretien avec l’écrivaine Nguyen Ngoc Tu : “la valeur d’un écrivain ne se résume pas à un prix”. L’ouvrage récompensé Cánh đồng bất tận (traduit en allemand sous le titre Endlose Felder) est paru au Viêt-Nam en 2005 et fut primé l’année suivante par l’Association des écrivains du Viêt-Nam. Il a été traduit en français sous le titre de Immense comme la mer (L’Aube, 2015).


Tác giả ‘Cánh đồng bất tận’ bất ngờ với giải thưởng văn học vừa nhận từ Đức và đón nhận với tâm thế nhẹ nhàng.

– Tập truyện “Cánh đồng bất tận” của chị vừa được trao giải thưởng Litprom ở Đức, cảm xúc của chị như thế nào?

– Nói tôi bất ngờ quá thì thiệt là sáo rỗng, nhưng mười năm gần đây, mỗi giải thưởng tới với tôi đều là mỗi bất ngờ. Bởi vì tôi không dự thi, không tham gia vào cuộc đua tranh nào, nghĩa là mọi thứ đến mà không phải chờ đợi, toan tính trước.

Tôi xem giải thưởng là quan hệ cho – nhận. Giải Nobel cũng không nằm ngoài quy luật đó. Vì vậy, tôi coi giải thưởng mới nhận được là một món quà. Mình nghĩ nó quan trọng, thì nó là núi, còn nhẹ nhàng thì cũng như bạn gửi tặng tôi gói trà. Giá trị của nhà văn không phải do anh chị ta nhận giải thưởng nào, cả thảy bao nhiêu. Đó chỉ là một cách nhìn nhận sự nghiệp của người viết.

Lire la suite : VnExpress, 19/07/2018.

Sur ce sujet, voir aussi :


Ann Marie Leshkowic: Essential Trade – Vietnamese Women in a Changing Marketplace

Information from Christina Schwenkel.

Congratulations to Ann Marie Leshkowich, recipient of the 2016 Harry J. Benda Book Prize for her pioneering ethnography, Essential Trade: Vietnamese Women in a Changing Marketplace, University of Hawai’i Press. The award will be presented at the upcoming AAS conference in Seattle. 

“My husband doesn’t have a head for business,” complained Ngoc, the owner of a children’s clothing stall in Ben Thanh market. “Naturally, it’s because he’s a man.” When the women who sell in Ho Chi Minh City’s iconic marketplace speak, their language suggests that activity in the market is shaped by timeless, essential truths: Vietnamese women are naturally adept at buying and selling, while men are not; Vietnamese prefer to do business with family members or through social contacts; stallholders are by nature superstitious; marketplace trading is by definition a small-scale enterprise.

Essential Trade looks through the façade of these “timeless truths” and finds active participants in a political economy of appearances: traders’ words and actions conform to stereotypes of themselves as poor, weak women in order to clinch sales, manage creditors, and protect themselves from accusations of being greedy, corrupt, or “bourgeois” – even as they quietly slip into southern Vietnam’s growing middle class. But Leshkowich argues that we should not dismiss the traders’ self-disparaging words simply because of their essentialist logic. In Ben Thanh market, performing certain styles of femininity, kinship relations, social networks, spirituality, and class allowed traders to portray themselves as particular kinds of people who had the capacity to act in volatile political and economic circumstances. When so much seems to be changing, a claim that certain things or people are inherently or naturally a particular way can be both personally meaningful and strategically advantageous.

Based on ethnographic fieldwork and life history interviewing conducted over nearly two decades, Essential Trade explores how women cloth and clothing traders like Ngoc have plied their wares through four decades of political and economic transformation: civil war, postwar economic restructuring, socialist cooperativization, and the frenetic competition of market socialism. With close attention to daily activities and life narratives, this groundbreaking work of critical feminist economic anthropology combines theoretical insight, vivid ethnography, and moving personal stories to illuminate how the interaction between gender and class has shaped people’s lives and created market socialist political economy. It provides a compelling account of postwar southern Vietnam as seen through the eyes of the dynamic women who have navigated forty years of profound change while building their businesses in the stalls of Ben Thanh market.

Source : University of Hawaii Press