Archives par mot-clé : The 88 Project

Interview with Former Political Prisoner Tran Thi Nga About Effects of Prison on Women and Children

Entretien avec l’ancienne prisonnière de conscience Trân Thi Nga sur ses conditions de détentions et les méthodes coercitives de la Sécurité publique du Viêt-Nam à l’encontre des dissidents, de leur famille et de leurs enfants. Un témoignage important.

The 88 Project had the opportunity to interview former political prisoner Tran Thi Nga about her experience in prison and conditions in prison for women and children. Tran Thi Nga was released from prison in January and sent immediately into exile in the United States. She was about three years into a nine-year prison sentence for her activism in land and labor rights when she was released. 

In the video, Nga speaks about the psychological effects on her young children during her arrest and her time in prison. Her youngest child was only four years old when he witnessed his mother being arrested by the police in their own home. When Nga’s husband was detained for questioning, their six year-old was also detained and was even separated from his father. Nga’s children struggled with discrimination at school during her imprisonment, as well as difficulties in visiting their mother in prison. Nga was transferred to a facility 1,000 km away from the family’s hometown, and the authorities often used visitation rights as a means to try to get her to admit guilt. She urges international stakeholders to speak up for the rights of women and children and remedy the injustices caused by the Vietnamese authorities’ poor treatment of female prisoners.

Lire la suite : The 88 Project, 20/06/2020.

New documentary series highlights the struggles of women activists in Vietnam

Signalement d’une série de documentaires sur le combat des femmes vietnamiennes.

A new series of video interviews highlights the perspectives and struggles of women involved in human rights activism in Vietnam.

The 88 Project, an organisation supporting freedom of expression in Vietnam, released the first video of an ongoing interview series with female activists in Vietnam. In the first interview with Pham Doan Trang, a dissident journalist and political activist, she discusses the challenges women face as bloggers and human rights activists:

In general, Vietnamese women are not respected. Not only in democracy activism but in all fields. In democracy activism, female activists are disadvantaged because they get attacked no less than male activists. They get beaten and assaulted. The work they do is no less than their male counterparts. But what they often get from other people is pity. I think it is not respect.

She also recounts an incident of police brutality which led to permanent injury to both of her legs.

Lire la suite : Global Voices