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Indo-China’s Women Rebels – The Straits Times, 21/03/1930

Extrait d’un article sur les femmes affiliées au Parti Nationaliste du Viêt-Nam paru dans The Straits Times, 21 mars 1930, p. 13.

CoGiang_VNQDDPhoto de la fiche anthropométrique de la Sûreté coloniale de Nguyen Thi Giang (Cô Giang), la compagne de Nguyen Thai Hoc.

Part they Played in the Disturbances

Detectives are searching everywhere in Indo-China for the mistress of Nguyen-thai-Hoc, – a former elementary school teacher named Thi-Giang, – who is stated to have played a very important part in preparing the ground for the recent mutiny at Yen-Bay and for the native uprisings.

Nguyen-thai-Hoc was the ringleader of the rebels and, according to statements made by some of his lieutenants now in custody, his mistress Thi-Giang had charge of the plans for recruiting young women and girls to help the cause of the “revolution”.

These girls and women actually rendered a variety of most useful services to the rebels. They circulated subscription lists and collected considerable sums of money; they use their influence in persuading their men-folk to throw in their lot with the rebels and they were charged with many delicate missions which could not very well, or safely, have been entrusted to men.

Reproduit d’après Viet Quoc