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[Mise à jour du 15/04/2014]
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Articles, documents en ligne / Online documentation
- Doan Cam Thi, « Femme, fantasme et guerre. Genèse d’une parole libre dans “La survivante de la Forêt qui rit”, nouvelle vietnamienne de 1991 », La revue des ressources, 02/04/2007.
- Eastmond, Marita, « Reconciliation, reconstruction, and everyday life in war-torn societies », Focaal, Journal of local and historical anthropology, 57 (2012), 3-16. [pdf]
- Fédération des Femmes du Québec, « Femmes et guerres : Comment développer une perspective féministe sur les conflits armés ? », Document de réflexion produit par le Comité Femmes et Mondialisation de la FFQ, 2008. [pdf]
- Freedman, Jane, « Les résolutions internationales contre les violences faites aux femmes : un outil pour la protection ? », Science and Video, 07/10/2010.
- Edward Miller & Tuong Vu, « The Vietnam war was a Vietnamese war ; Agency and society in the study of the Second Indochina war », Journal of Vietnamese Studies, 2009, Vol. 4, Issue 3, pp. 1-16. [pdf]
- Foster, Alana, « “Pulling the Tail of the Cat” : An exploration of Palestinian peacebuilders’ conceptualisations of men and masculinities in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict », MA thesis, September 2011. [pdf]
- Healy, Dana (2006) ‘‘Laments of Warriors’ Wives: Re-gendering the War in Vietnamese Cinema.’ South East Asia Research, 14 (2). pp. 231-259. [pdf]
- Kajalie Shehreen Islam, « Breaking Down the Birangona: Examining the (Divided) Media Discourse on the War Heroines of Bangladesh’s Independence Movement », International Journal of Communication, 6 (2012), 2131–2148. [pdf]
- Moran, Mary H., « Gender, Militarism, and Peace-Building : Projects of the Postconflict Moment », Annual Review of Anthropology, Vol. 39: 261-274, October 2010. [abstract]
- Moran, Mary H., « Our Mothers Have Spoken : Synthesizing Old and New Forms of Women’s Political Authority in Liberia », Journal of International Women’s Studies, Vol. 13, #4, September 2012, pp. 51-66. [pdf]
- Ngo Nyouma Pauline Isabelle, « Participation des femmes aux guerres de libération nationale et évolution de la condition féminine en Afrique : analyse comparative du Cameroun et du Mozambique », CEAFRI. [pdf]
- Page, Dylan, « Complexities and context : women’s peace-building in conflict and post-conflict Bougainville », 2012, MA thesis. [pdf]
- Rollinde, Marguerite, « Genre et conflit. Femmes victimes, femmes actrices », Aspects, n°4, 2010, pp. 115-130. [pdf]
- Thébaud, Françoise, « Penser la guerre à partir des femmes et du genre : l’exemple de la Grande Guerre », Astérion.
- Tournier, Tatiana, « Gender Relationships between American Soldiers and Vietnamese Women during the Vietnam War », Mémoire de Master 1, Université de Grenoble-Stendhal, 2008. [pdf]
Numéro spécial de revue
- “Femmes et Guerres”, dossier préparé par Anissa Barrak et Bénédicte Muller, Confluences Méditerranée, revue trimestrielle, n° 17, printemps 1996 (Paris, éditions L’Harmattan). https://books.google.fr
Ouvrages en ligne / Books online
- Accad, Evelyne, Sexuality and war : literary masks of the middle east, 1990 https://books.google.fr
- Allen, Beverly, Rape warfare : the hidden genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia, 1996 https://books.google.fr
- Amrane, Djamila, Des femmes dans la guerre d’Algérie, 1994 https://books.google.fr
- Anderson, David L. & Ernst, John (ed.), The war that never ends : new perspectives on the Vietnam War, 2007 https://books.google.fr
- Andrews, Irene Osgood, Economic effects of the war upon women and children in Great Britain, 2009 https://books.google.fr
- Arnold, Désiré, Women in Country and Their Literature After the Vietnam War, 2007 https://books.google.fr
- Askin, Kelly Dawn, War crimes against women : prosecution in international war crimes tribunals, 1997 https://books.google.fr
- Audoin-Rouzeau, Stéphane, A. Becker, Ch. Ingrao, H. Rousso (dir.), La violence de guerre, 1914-1945 : approches comparées des deux conflits mondiaux, 2002 https://books.google.fr
- Bayly, Susan, Asian voices in a post-colonial age : Vietnam, India and beyond, 2007 https://books.google.fr
- Becker, Jean Jacques, La France en guerre : 1914-1918 : la grande mutation, 1998 https://books.google.fr
- Bell, Diane / Caplan, Patricia / Wazir Jahan Karim (ed.), Gendered fields : women, men, and ethnography, 1993 https://books.google.fr
- Bellafaire, Judith, Women in the United States Military : An Annotated Bibliography, 2011 https://books.google.fr
- Benedict, Helen, The Lonely Soldier : The Private War of Women Serving in Iraq, 2010 https://books.google.fr
- Berger, Anne & Varikas, Eleni (dir.), Genre et Postcolonialismes, 2011 https://books.google.fr
- Blanton, DeAnne & Cook, Lauren M., They fought like demons : women soldiers in the American Civil War, 2002 https://books.google.fr
- Bouta, Tsjeard / Frerks, Georg / Bannon, Ian, Gender, conflict, and development, 2005 https://books.google.fr
- Boyle, Brenda M., Masculinity in Vietnam War narratives : a critical study of fiction, films and nonfiction writings, 2009 https://books.google.fr
- Bradby, Hannah & Hundt, Gillian Lewando (ed.), Global perspectives on war, gender and health : the sociology and anthropology of suffering, 2010 https://books.google.fr
- Braybon, Gail, Women workers in the First World War, 1981 http://books.google.com
- Brouwer, Anne-Marie de, Supranational criminal prosecution of sexual violence : the ICC and the practice of the ICTY and the ICTR, 2005 https://books.google.fr
- Brouwer, Anne-Marie de & Ka Hon Chu, Sandra (ed.), The Men Who Killed Me: Rwandan Survivors of Sexual Violence, 2009 https://books.google.fr
- Buch, Mary Hawkins & Gossage, Carolyn, Props on her sleeve: the wartime letters of a Canadian airwoman, 1997 https://books.google.fr
- Bugbee, Sylvia J. (ed.), An officer and a lady: the World War II letters of Lt. Col. Betty Bandel, Women’s Army Corps, 2004 https://books.google.fr
- Campbell, Sue, Relational remembering: rethinking the memory wars, 2003 https://books.google.fr
- Canning, Kathleen, Gender history in practice : historical perspectives on bodies, class and citizenship, 2006 https://books.google.fr
- Cargill, Mary Terrell & Huỳnh, Jade Ngọc Quang, Voices of Vietnamese boat people : nineteen narratives of escape and survival, 2000 https://books.google.fr
- Cassagnes-Brouquet, Sophie & Dubesset, Mathilde (dir.), Héroïnes, 2009 https://books.google.fr
- Cataldo Neuburger, Luisella De & Valentini, Tiziana, Women and terrorism, 1996 https://books.google.fr
- Chadwick Whitney & Latimer, Tirza True (ed.), The modern woman revisited : Paris between the wars, 2003 https://books.google.fr
- Chang, Iris, The rape of Nanking : the forgotten holocaust of World War II, 1997 https://books.google.fr
- Chaudhuri, Nupur & al. (eds), Contesting Archives. Finding Women in the sources, 2010 https://books.google.fr
- Chevillot, Frédérique & Norris, Anna (ed.), Des femmes écrivent la guerre, 2007 https://books.google.fr
- Chuter, David, War crimes : confronting atrocity in the modern world, 2003 http://books.google.com
- Cole, Ellen / Espin, Oliva M. / Rothblum, Esther D. (ed.), Refugee women and their mental health : shattered societies, shattered lives, 1992 https://books.google.fr
- Condell, Diana & Liddiard, Jean, Working for victory ? : images of women in the First World War, 1914-18, 1987 http://books.google.com
- Cook, Bernard A. (ed.), Women and war : a historical encyclopedia from antiquity to the present, Volume 1, 2006 https://books.google.fr
- Cooke, Miriam, War’s other voices : women writers on the Lebanese civil war, 1996 https://books.google.fr
- Cooke, Miriam, Women and the war story, 1996 https://books.google.fr
- Cooper, Helen / Munich, Adrienne Auslander / Squier, Susan Merrill (ed.), Arms and the woman : war, gender, and literary representation, 1989 https://books.google.fr
- Cragin, Kim & Daly, Sara A., Women as terrorists : mothers, recruiters, and martyrs, 2009 https://books.google.fr
- Cuevas, Tomasa & Giles, Mary E., Prison of women : testimonies of war and resistance in Spain, 1939-1975, 1998 https://books.google.fr
- Culleton, Claire A., Working-class culture, women, and Britain, 1914-1921, 2000 http://books.google.com
- Damousi, Joy (ed.), Gender and war : Australians at war in the twentieth century, 1995 https://books.google.fr
- Daniel, Ute, The war from within : German working-class women in the First World War, 1997 https://books.google.fr
- Darrow, Margaret H., French women and the First World War : war stories of the home front, 2000 https://books.google.fr
- De Groot, Gerard J. & Peniston-Bird, C. M. (ed.), A soldier and a woman : sexual integration in the military, 2000 https://books.google.fr
- Dombrowski, Nicole Ann (ed.), Women and war in the twentieth century : enlisted with or without consent, 1999 https://books.google.fr
- Dore-Audibert, Andrée, Des Françaises d’Algérie dans la guerre de libération, 1995 https://books.google.fr
- Drummond, Lisa Barbara Welch & Helle Rydstrøm (ed.), Gender practices in contemporary Vietnam, 2004 https://books.google.fr
- Duchen, Claire & Bandhauer-Schöffmann, Irene (ed.), When the war was over : women, war, and peace in Europe, 1940-1956, 2000 https://books.google.fr
- Durham, Helen & Gurd, Tracey (ed.), Listening to the silences : women and war, 2005 https://books.google.fr
- Eager, Paige Whaley, From freedom fighters to terrorists : women and political violence, 2008 https://books.google.fr
- Edmondson, Linda Harriet, Women and society in Russia and the Soviet Union, 2008 https://books.google.fr
- Edwards, Laura F., Gendered strife & confusion : the political culture of Reconstruction, 1997 https://books.google.fr
- Edwards, Laura F., Scarlett doesn’t live here anymore : Southern women in the Civil War era, 2000 https://books.google.fr
- Eggleston, Larry G., Women in the Civil War : extraordinary stories of soldiers, spies, nurses, doctors, crusaders, and others, 2003 https://books.google.fr
- Eisenstein, Zillah R., Hatreds : racialized and sexualized conflicts in the 21st century, 1996 https://books.google.fr
- Eisenstein, Zillah R., Sexual decoys : gender, race and war in imperial democracy, 2007 https://books.google.fr
- Eisenstein, Zillah R., The color of gender : reimaging democracy, 1994 https://books.google.fr
- Elshtain, Jean Bethke, Women and war, 1995 https://books.google.fr
- Elshtain, Jean Bethke & Tobias, Sheila (ed.), Women, militarism, and war : essays in history, politics, and social theory, 1990 https://books.google.fr
- Enloe, Cynthia H., Maneuvers : the international politics of militarizing women’s lives, 2000 https://books.google.fr
- Enloe, Cynthia H., The morning after : sexual politics at the end of the Cold War, 1993 https://books.google.fr
- Espín, Oliva M., Women crossing boundaries : a psychology of immigration and transformations of sexuality, 1999 https://books.google.fr
- Essed, Philomena / Goldberg, David Theo / Kobayashi, Audrey (ed.), A Companion to Gender Studies, 2009 https://books.google.fr
- Fell, Alison S. (ed.), French and francophone women facing war : Les femmes face à la guerre, 2009 https://books.google.fr
- Fenner, Lorry M. & DeYoung, Marie, Women in combat : civic duty or military liability?, 2001 https://books.google.fr
- Feimster, Crystal Nicole, Southern horrors : women and the politics of rape and lynching, 2009 https://books.google.fr
- Ferguson, Amanda, American Women of the Vietnam War, 2004 https://books.google.fr
- Frank, Lisa Tendrich (ed.), Women in the American Civil War, Vol. 1, 2008 https://books.google.fr
- Freedman, Jane (ed.), Gender and insecurity : migrant women in Europe, 2003 https://books.google.fr
- Freeman, James M., Hearts of Sorrow : Vietnamese-American Lives, 1989 https://books.google.fr
- Gagné, Julie & Rioux, Jean-Sébastien, Femmes et conflits armés : réalités, leçons et avancement des politiques, 2005 https://books.google.fr
- Gallagher, Jean, The World Wars Through the Female Gaze, 1998 https://books.google.fr
- Gammeltoft, Tine, Women’s bodies, women’s worries : health and family planning in a Vietnamese rural community, 1999 https://books.google.fr
- Gioseffi, Daniela (ed.), Women on war : an international anthology of women’s writings from antiquity to the present, 2003 https://books.google.fr
- Goldenberg, Myrna, Experience and expression : women, the Nazis, and the Holocaust, 2003 https://books.google.fr
- Goldstein, Joshua S., War and gender : how gender shapes the war system and vice versa, 2001 https://books.google.fr
- Gonzalez-Perez, Margaret, Women and terrorism : female activity in domestic and international terror groups, 2008 https://books.google.fr
- Gossage, Carolyn, Greatcoats and glamour boots : Canadian women at war (1939-1945), 2001 https://books.google.fr
- Grayzel, Susan R., Women and the First World War, 2002 http://books.google.com
- Grayzel, Susan R., Women’s identities at war : gender, motherhood, and politics in Britain and France during the first world war, 1999 http://books.google.com
- Greenwald, Maurine Weiner, Women, war, and work : the impact of World War I on women workers in the United States, 1990 https://books.google.fr
- Gullace, Nicoletta F., The blood of our sons : men, women, and the renegotiation of British citizenship during the Great War, 2002 https://books.google.fr
- Hagopian, Patrick, The Vietnam War in American memory : veterans, memorials, and the politics of healing, 2009 https://books.google.fr
- Hegarty, Marilyn E., Victory girls, khaki-wackies, and patriotutes : the regulation of female sexuality during World War II, 2008 https://books.google.fr
- Henderson, Aileen Kilgore, Stateside soldier : life in the Women’s Army Corps, 1944-1945, 2001 https://books.google.fr
- Henson, Maria Rosa, Comfort woman : a Filipina’s story of prostitution and slavery under the Japanese military, 1999 https://books.google.fr
- Henriot, Christian & Yeh Wen-Hsin (ed.), In the shadow of the rising sun : Shanghai under Japanese occupation, 2004 http://books.google.com
- Herbermann, Nanda / Baer, Hester / Baer, Elizabeth Roberts (ed.), The blessed abyss : inmate #6582 in Ravensbrück concentration camp for women, 2000 https://books.google.fr
- Hibbert, Joyce, Fragments of war : stories from survivors of World War II, 1985 https://books.google.fr
- Holmstedt, Kirsten A., Band of sisters : American women at war in Iraq, 2007 https://books.google.fr
- Holmstedt, Kirsten A., Girls Come Marching Home : stories of women warriors returning from the war in Iraq, 2009 https://books.google.fr
- Honey, Maureen, Creating Rosie the Riveter : class, gender, and propaganda during World War II, 1984 https://books.google.fr
- Honig, Emily, Sisters and Strangers : Women in the Shanghai Cotton Mills, 1919-1949, 1986 http://books.google.com
- Hu, Hualing & Simon, Paul, American goddess at the rape of Nanking : the courage of Minnie Vautrin, 2000 https://books.google.fr
- Hue-Tam Ho Tai (ed.), The country of memory : remaking the past in late socialist Vietnam, 2001 https://books.google.fr
- Hue-Tam Ho Tai, Passion, Betrayal, and Revolution in Colonial Saigon, 2010 https://books.google.fr
- Hugon, Anne (dir.), Histoire des femmes en situation coloniale : Afrique et Asie, XXe siècle, 2004 https://books.google.fr
- Human Rights Watch/Africa, Women’s Rights Project (ed.), Shattered lives : sexual violence during the Rwandan genocide and its aftermath, 1996 https://books.google.fr
- Hunt, Krista & Rygiel, Kim (ed.), (En)gendering the war on terror : war stories and camouflaged politics, 2006 https://books.google.fr
- Husain, Sarah, Voices of resistance : Muslim women on war, faith & sexuality, 2006 https://books.google.fr
- Ingersoll, Julie, Evangelical Christian women : war stories in the gender battles, 2003 https://books.google.fr
- Ingman, Heather, Women’s fiction between the wars : mothers, daughters and writing, 1998 https://books.google.fr
- Jeansonne, Glen, Women of the Far Right : The Mothers’ Movement and World War II, 1996 https://books.google.fr
- Joshi, Vandana, Gender and power in the Third Reich : female denouncers and the Gestapo (1933-45), 2003 https://books.google.fr
- Kidd, William & Murdoch, Brian (ed.), Memory and memorials : the commemorative century, 2004 https://books.google.fr
- Kneib, Martha, Women Soldiers, Spies, and Patriots of the American Revolution, 2004 https://books.google.fr
- Kolinsky, Eva, Women in 20th-century Germany: a reader, 1995 https://books.google.fr
- Kremer, S. Lillian, Women’s Holocaust Writing : Memory and Imagination, 2001 https://books.google.fr
- Kulik, Gary, « War stories »: false atrocity tales, swift boaters, and winter soldiers. What really happened in Vietnam, 2009 https://books.google.fr
- Latta, Ruth, The Memory of all that : Canadian women remember World War II, 1992 https://books.google.fr
- Laubier, Claire (ed.), The Condition of Women in France : 1945 to the Present – A Documentary Anthology, 2005 https://books.google.fr
- Lazreg, Marnia, Questioning the veil: open letters to Muslim women, 2009 https://books.google.fr
- Lazreg, Marnia, The eloquence of silence : Algerian women in question, 1994 https://books.google.fr
- Leder, Jane Mersky, Thanks for the memories: love, sex, and World War II, 2006 https://books.google.fr
- Li, Danke, Echoes of Chongqing : Women in Wartime China, 2010 https://books.google.fr
- Litoff, Judy Barrett, American women in a world at war : contemporary accounts from World War II, 1997 https://books.google.fr
- Massey, Mary Elizabeth, Women in the Civil War, 1994 https://books.google.fr
- Matthews, Jenny, Women and war, 2003 https://books.google.fr
- Mazurana, Dyan E. / Raven-Roberts, Angela / Parpart, Jane L. (ed.), Gender, conflict, and peacekeeping, 2005 https://books.google.fr
- McCormack, Timothy L. H. & Simpson, Gerry J. (ed.), The law of war crimes : national and international approaches, 1997 https://books.google.fr
- McIntosh, Elizabeth P., Sisterhood of spies: the women of the OSS, 1998 https://books.google.fr
- Merry, Lois K., Women military pilots of World War II: A history with biographies of American, British, Russian and German aviators, 2011 https://books.google.fr
- Mitchell, Brian P., Women in the military: flirting with disaster, 1998 https://books.google.fr
- Monahan, Evelyn M. & Neidel-Greenlee, Evelyn M., All This Hell : U.S. Nurses Imprisoned by the Japanese, 2000 https://books.google.fr
- Moore, Molly, A Woman at War. Storming Kuwait with the US Marines, 1993 https://books.google.fr
- Morden, Bettie J., Women’s Army Corps, 1945-1978, 1990 https://books.google.fr
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- Muller, Bénédicte & Barrak, Annissa (dir.), Femmes et guerres, 1996 https://books.google.fr
- Ness, Cindy D., Female terrorism and militancy : agency, utility and organization, 2008 https://books.google.fr
- Nguyen, Nathalie Huynh Chau, Memory is another country : women of the Vietnamese diaspora, 2009 https://books.google.fr
- Nguyen, Nathalie Huynh Chau, Voyage of hope : Vietnamese Australian women’s narratives, 2005 https://books.google.fr
- Nikolić-Ristanović, Vesna, Social change, gender, and violence : post-communist and war affected societies, 2002 https://books.google.fr
- Nikolić-Ristanović, Vesna, Women, violence and war : wartime victimization of refugees in the Balkans, 2000 https://books.google.fr
- Noakes, Lucy, Women in the British Army : war and the gentle sex, 1907-1948, 2006 https://books.google.fr
- Norman, Elizabeth M., Women at war : the story of fifty military nurses who served in Vietnam, 1990 https://books.google.fr
- O’Toole, Laura L. & Schiffman, Jessica R. (ed.), Gender violence : interdisciplinary perspectives, 1997 https://books.google.fr
- Oliver, Kelly, Women as weapons of war : Iraq, sex, and the media, 2007 https://books.google.fr
- Owings, Alison, Frauen : German Women Recall the Third Reich, 2005 https://books.google.fr
- Payment, Simone, American Women Spies of World War II, 2004 https://books.google.fr
- Pears, Pamela A., Remnants of Empire in Algeria and Vietnam : Women, Words, and War, 2004 https://books.google.fr
- Pedersen, Bee (ed.), Women Write the War : The Voices of Women Behind Operation Iraqi Freedom, 2004 https://books.google.fr
- Phạm Văn Bích, The Vietnamese family in change : the case of the Red River Delta, 1999 https://books.google.fr
- Phillips, Larissa, Women Civil War Spies of the Confederacy, 2004 https://books.google.fr
- Pilkington, Gwendoline, Time remembered : a woman’s story of World War II, 1993 https://books.google.fr
- Plain, Gill, Women’s fiction of the Second World War : gender, power and resistance, 1996 https://books.google.fr
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- Roberts, Mary Louise, Civilization without sexes : reconstructing gender in postwar France, 1917-1927, 1994 https://books.google.fr
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- Sayner, Joanne, Women without a past ? : German autobiographical writings and fascism, 2007 https://books.google.fr
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- Settle, Mary Lee, All the brave promises : memories of Aircraft Woman 2nd Class 2146391, 1995 https://books.google.fr
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